Project summary

The YADES’ network aims to use proper modelling tools and methods, innovative technologies(terrestrial and satellite imaging for wide-area inspection, advanced machine learning techniques, etc.)to deliver an integrated platform for resilience assessment of CH areas, addressing multi-hazard riskunderstanding, better preparedness, faster, adapted and efficient response, and sustainablereconstruction of historic areas. YADES will take into account the local ecosystems in the areas ofinterest, mapping out their interactions and follow a truly sustainable reconstruction approach attechnical, social, institutional, environmental and economic levels. To this end, it will incorporate activecommunities participation, support new business models based on the concept of a “load-balancing”economy, (using an algorithm that acts like a “reverse proxy”, distributing client traffic across differentcompanies within the same sector) and offer financial risk-transfer tools(parametric insurance, Catastrophe-CAT-bonds) that can ensure the immediate funds’ availability to fuel timely build-back-better efforts.

Integrated DSS

that combines structural and geotechnical analysis for CH areas with
climate data.

CHRAP environment

an innovative open-source planning tool that will permit quantified resilience assessment running “what-if” impact/risk/resilience assessment scenarios

Cutting edge sensors

including fixed instruments within carefully selected spots, vehicle-based drones, as well as additional forward- and side-scanning sensors

Scientific & Technical Objectives

YADES will employ State-of-the-Art numerical modelling tools for selected climate scenarios in the targeted historic areas (Region of Sterea Ellada focusing on the archaeological area of Delphi, the area of Amfikleia and Amfissa in Greece, the city of Termoli in Italy, and the city of Trebinje in Bosnia), covering processes and interactions from short to the long-term (10-60 years). This data will be used to estimate quantitative indicators for the potential impacts of CC on historic areas at a local level, including also aspects related to their aesthetics due to long-term exposure of the structures on air pollution and microclimatic conditions.

will cover single, cotemporaneous (e.g., extreme temperature, humidity, wind, air pollutants) and cascading (mudflow/landslide after rain, etc.) hazards. Inundation maps will be provided for specific catchments by using hydrological modelling for various precipitation capacities, while seismic hazard will be quantified in terms of seismic intensity levels (peak ground acceleration, spectral estimates, and surface faulting deformations) and their spatial/temporal distribution for the historic areas, by using stochastic modelling approaches.

of the surveyed structures through the use of simulators that exploit monitoring data from various sensors. Along with the expert knowledge of partners specializing on SG engineering and on materials’ deterioration, the YADES’ consortium will assess the current condition of structural, non-structural and content components of characteristic archetype buildings in the historic area.

Novel Computer Vision (CV) and Machine Learning (ML) algorithms will be developed to exploit sensors, such as visible/hyper-/multi-spectral cameras, thermal/infrared/Ultra-Violet sensors, mounted on vehicles and drones to get a precise inspection of the selected CH sites.


Cultural Heritage Resilience Assessment Platform (CHRAP) and Decision Support-System (DSS): CHRAP will allow the integration of various analysis, modelling tools and damage/vulnerability functions, hence incorporating information from various sources (literature, surveys, satellite, etc.) with different levels of granularity (building/block/regional level) together with the associated uncertainties. All these tools will be built on a Geographic Information System (GIS), interfaced with existing open-source hazard assessment software (e.g., OpenQuake) and network simulators (e.g., EPANET, traffic simulators), and chained to socioeconomic impact analysis tools to produce both quantitative and qualitative loss estimations (e.g. financial loss estimation, reputation impact, morale impact etc.) in order to develop an end-to-end simulation platform enabling the running of any number of different “what-if” scenarios.

that will focus its activities on the development, effective integration and increased utilisation of existing and the proposed YADES’ innovative technologies and techniques. YADES aims to build and enhance the researchers’ and professionals’ network of contacts and, hence, to possibly continue and improve their careers at high profile universities and well-established private enterprises, even after the end of their individual project within YADES.

providing: a) technical information on sustainable reconstruction of historic areas, b) proper adaptive response strategies for CC and other hazards scenarios, c) post-disaster reconstruction examples, d) practical checklists and references to assist practitioners, field-workers, cities and cultural authorities, etc. in better decision making, e) recovery requirements for various sectors, f) information on financial tools to mitigate risk and g) guidelines and techniques to encourage, facilitate, and develop bespoke reciprocal agreements between same type of businesses for timely service recovery.

to allow the European researchers and professionals to face the new challenge in terms of technology development and future services.

with distinct roles
planned secondment months
of researchers
demonstration cases
in Cyprus and Italy

Project partners