YADES represented at N-AERUS 2021
Project partner POLIMI participated in the international conference “N-AERUS 2021: How to plan in a world of uncertainty?” on 4th – 6th of February 2021.
Conference video can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F86LleSLd-U
YADES project was represented in this conference in a for of an abstract “Greenway Network Proposal As Nature-Based Solution In Limmassol, Cyprus”. Abstract was published in the abstract book, and can be found here: https://n-aerus.net/documents/6/Naerus_2021_-_book_of_abstracts-final.pdf
GMCY and YADES project were acknowledged during this conference. The project developed during the POLIMI secondments at Geomatics was a special mention during this conference.

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